Welcome to Anjanaharibe-Sud


Protecting one of Madagascar’s most biologically rich tropical rainforests

Little known and infrequently visited, Anjanaharibe-Sud Special Reserve is one of Madagascar’s secret jewels. Nestled deep in the remote and rugged mountains of northeastern Madagascar, Anjanaharibe-Sud contains some of the last intact stands of virgin mid- and high-elevation rainforest left in the entire country. It is a place of outstanding beauty and solitude, a place that offers a glimpse into the primeval past.

Anjanaharibe-Sud is significant in a number of ways. Most importantly, it contains an unusually rich flora and fauna, including many rare and endemic species, and thus is a high priority for biodiversity conservation. The forests of Anjanaharibe-Sud are also vital for protecting local watersheds, providing clean, silt-free water for villages and rice fields in the agriculturally important Andapa Basin. In addition, the mountains and forests here are central to the local residents’ rich cultural heritage: in Malagasy, Anjanaharibe (pronounced “an-dzana-hari-bay”) means “Place of the Great God.”

Designated a Special Reserve in 1958, Anjanaharibe-Sud originally protected only the eastern slopes of the Anjanaharibe Massif. The reserve has recently been expanded to include the western slopes, with a current size of 27,051 hectares (66,844 acres). Elevations in the reserve range from 500 m to the summit of Anjanaharibe-Anivo Peak at 2,064 m (1,640 to 6,772 ft).

Access to this remote reserve is not easy, but for those adventuresome travelers who take the time and make the effort, the rewards are great. A visit to Anjanaharibe-Sud is always a memorable experience.

A black indri lemur hugs a tree trunk and looks straight at the camera with large, round yellow-green eyes.

About the Reserve

Read about Anjanaharibe-Sud’s remarkable biodiversity and some of its iconic plants and animals, as well as the threats it faces and how you can help.


Hills covered in rainforest disappear into the misty distance.

Visiting Anjanaharibe-Sud

Anjanaharibe-Sud offers an outstanding wilderness and cultural experience for those in search of adventure. Delve into the details about how to visit.


Map of Anjanaharibe-Sud Special Reserve

Quick Facts

Protection Status:  IUCN Category IV — Habitat Management Area / Species Management Area

Managed by:  Madagascar National Parks

Location:  Northeastern Madagascar, west of the town of Andapa

Administrative Offices:  Town of Andapa

Visitor Center:  Village of Manantenina (serving both Marojejy National Park and Anjanaharibe-Sud Special Reserve)

Park Guides:  Obtained in either Andapa or Befingotra

Size:  27,051 hectares (66,844 acres)

Elevation:  500–2,064 m (1,640–6,772 ft)

Precipitation:  Approximately 2,155 mm (85 in) annually, although rainfall varies widely across the reserve

Average Daily Temperature:  14–23°C (57–73°F)

High temperatures in the warm season (December–February): >29°C (84°F)

Low temperatures in the cool season (June–August): 8°C (46°F)

Flagship species:  Black Indri (Indri indri), Silky Sifaka (Propithecus candidus), Takhtajania perrieri.

For the latest updates and news about Anjanaharibe-Sud and its sister park, Marojejy, please see our main marojejy.com website and its News pages.

Anjanaharibe flower

Anjanaharibe-Sud mountains

Anjanaharibe road

Anjanaharibe flowers

Marolakana Meadow

Full moon and trees